COERR Mae Hong Son organized Fire Prevention training in Ban Mae Surin Temporary Shelter, Mae Hong Son Province’s Khun Yuam District, on October 15, 2021, for 311 youth participants of 170 females and 141 males.
The training was aimed to raise awareness, and convince youth of fire hazard that could be prevented.
Focus was made on causes of fire, combustible materials, careless behavior that can cause fire, such as leaving cooking fire or candle burning near mattress or inflammable materials, unattended etc.; if the fire is small, put out the fire; if fire spread, make a shout to notify others to help extinguishing; if the fire is out of control, escape the flame and smoke to the safe direction. The nature of fire is to spread uphill, it is safe to go down to the waterway or the open areas where there is no inflammable material, if possible.
On October 23, 2021, COERR Mae Sarieng organized the activity in Ban Mae Lama Luang Temporary Shelter, to survey each section to identify areas at risk from floods, landslides, fallen trees, etc. Disaster preparedness knowledge and information were given to community members concerned; posters were placed in the public areas for precautions in case of fire, floods, mudslides. Maintenance of disaster risk reduction tools as well as collection of waste and inflammable materials, especially during dry season were conducted. There were approximately 200 people participating in the campaign.
Disaster Risk Reduction Training and Campaign for youth was held in Ban Mae Surin on October 15, 2021

Disaster Risk Reduction campaign at Ban Mae Lama Luang on October 23, 2021
